
ROS 2 AI Integration WG

ROS 2 AI Integration WG

  • 26 Sept 2023
  • Venue: Online

 Accelerate and improve the energy efficiency of AI applications with UPMEM PIM

Yann Felevoz, from UpMem, did a deep dive into the transformative potential of UPMEM’s Processing in Memory (PIM) technology. Discover how PIM can accelerate AI and ML workloads while reducing costs and energy consumption.

Make sure to watch the full recording to learn more about energy efficiency and AI: 



  • Partner Name: eProsima
  • Type: Workshop
  • Status: Confirmed

SustainML is among these nine innovative projects dedicated to creating a sustainable ML framework for Green AI.

Coordinator Office Address

Plaza de la Encina 10-11, Núcleo 4, 2ª Pl.
28760 Tres cantos - Madrid (España)

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EN-Funded_by_the_EU-POSThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070408.