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Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima) is an innovative SME specializing in high-performance network middleware, with a particular focus on adhering to the OMG (Object Management Group) standard known as Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems (DDS).

At the core of eProsima's offerings lies its flagship product, eProsima Fast DDS. This lightweight, open-source implementation of DDS provides direct access to the underlying protocol, the Real Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS) Protocol.

eProsima plays a pivotal role in advancing the Robotic Operating System (ROS), with eProsima Fast DDS serving as the default middleware for ROS 2. Recognized for its significant contributions, eProsima has earned a place on the ROS2 Technical Steering Committee. Alongside esteemed partners like Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, ARM, LG, Bosch, Toyota, and Open Robotics, eProsima collaboratively shapes the roadmap of this leading robotic framework.

eProsima is a member of the standardization body called Object Management Group (OMG), creating and implementing middleware standards, such as DDS, RTPS, DDS-XRCE, RPC over DDS, CDR, etc.


Within the SustainML project, eProsima is in charge of its coordination and management, which covers tasks such as managing project activities, project meetings, planning activities, managing time and cost, and reporting periodic progress. Furthermore, eProsima is the leader of the dissemination, communication, and exploitation tasks, i.e., although the whole consortium actively participates in these tasks. In the communication and dissemination of the project results, eProsima is the entity that will set the action plans and coordinate these activities to ensure cohesion of the results and coherence in the message to be delivered. It also actively fosters communication and information exchange among the consortium participants and target groups. All this translates into the coordination and leadership of WP7: Dissemination, Exploitation, and Management.

eProsima is also in charge of WP5: Framework Architecture & Implementation. This work package covers the tasks of designing and implementing the architecture of the front-end and back-end of the SustainML Framework. eProsima will apply its experience and expertise in communications middleware to the architecture of the SustainML Framework to allow effective integration, cohesion, and interaction of the results of all the project work packages.

Meet the team

Jaime Martín Losa
Jaime Martín LosaeProsima CEO, with 20 years of experience in project management and software development focused on networking middleware and integration services.
Raúl Sánchez-Mateos
Telecommunications engineer from UPM and robotics engineer from KTH, I am currently a software developer and project manager at eProsima, also leading international innovation and research projects such as ALMA and SustainML. In the past I have worked on IoT communications and distributed artificial intelligence projects applied to the industrial field.
Raúl Sánchez-MateosProject Manager at eProsima, Telecommunications Engineer from UPM and Robotics Engineer from KTH
Lara Moreno
Lara MorenoMathematics Degree and Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence

SustainML is among these nine innovative projects dedicated to creating a sustainable ML framework for Green AI.

Coordinator Office Address

Plaza de la Encina 10-11, Núcleo 4, 2ª Pl.
28760 Tres cantos - Madrid (España)

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EN-Funded_by_the_EU-POSThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070408.